Monday, December 30, 2013

Disney Parks Horticulture Internship - Apply by Jan. 31st!

Horticulture InternshipsWalt Disney World® Resort:

It's all about show business at the Walt Disney World Resort! To help set the stage Disney’s Horticulture maintains over 4,200 acres of landscaped gardens throughout the Disney Parks and Resorts. Performing 365 days a year the over 3 million bedding plants, and millions and millions of shrubs and trees rely on careful planning, diligent observation, and meticulous research and continued coordination and maintenance.Disney’s Horticulture cast of over 500- gardeners, arborists, irrigation specialists and pest management technicians plant and maintain this huge outdoor set; playing a very important role in the show.
Disney’s Horticulture is dedicated to creating and preserving the “magical” guest experience through horticulture. Through these actions, Disney’s Horticulture is an exemplary steward of the environment and a source of beauty, refreshment, and inspiration for all who work and play here.
Role Description:

Disney’s Horticulture Professional Intern Program is designed to provide qualified students with the opportunity to further their knowledge through practical hands on work experience. Students will be assigned to various regions of the landscape operation. In addition to the work experience students must participate in the program activities, which include weekly seminars, projects and plant/pest identification. Required Qualifications (These are the minimum qualifications you need to be considered for this position.) Currently enrolled in college/university in any related horticulture field Brown steel toed shoes or boots Valid Driver’s License Comfortable working outdoors in a variety climates including extreme heat and extreme cold conditions Comfortable lifting, bending and stretching for long periods of time
Desired Qualifications:

Experience and/or education in landscape equipment preferred;
Currently enrolled as a Junior or Senior in college/university in any related horticulture field;

Want to become a certified arborist?

'Arboriculture 101' is a workshops/short course with Dr. Todd Watson that utilizes lecture and hands on instruction. Attendees have the opportunity to learn real world applications to validate concepts. 

January 16 & 17 and January 23 & 24, 2014The Brazos Center
3232 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan, Texas

*Early bird registration prices through Jan. 10th

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Berkshire Botanical Garden Seeks Summer Interns

cocktails 2 

The Berkshire Botanical Garden is a not-for-profit public garden established in 1934. Located on 15 rural acres, the Garden consists of 22 display gardens, a woodland preserve, several specialty collections and three greenhouses. The Garden is situated in the beautiful Berkshire Hills of Western Massachusetts, two miles from the center of historic Stockbridge. The area is home to many cultural institutions and numerous natural sites.
DESCRIPTION: The college internship program is designed to offer hands-on experience at a botanical garden for persons aspiring to a career in horticulture, public gardening and landscape architecture or design. Interns work with horticulture staff and volunteers in all phases of public garden maintenance and development. This includes planting, weeding, watering, mulching, pruning, and interacting with visitors. Students may also become involved in special projects such as accession records, garden inventories, plant signage, or flower arranging. Intern training sessions, public educational programs, and staff field trips are offered to help broaden the students' horticultural horizon. Summer internships are 12 weeks, 40 hours per week. The Internships usually start mid to end of May. The program includes housing and a stipend of $7.50/hr. Applications are due March 1, 2014.
Preferred Experience and Education:  Previous gardening experience and course work in horticulture, public gardening or landscape design are required. Junior and senior undergraduate students applying for college credit are preferred. Students must be responsible, self-motivated and capable of the strenuous nature of gardening. Please submit an application and a cover letter, which can be found on the Garden’s website at

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Graduation Dates and Details here to view details.

RSVPs for HORT Christmas Luncheon due Thurs, 12/12
Join us for A Christmas Luncheon
Wednesday, December 18 @ 11:30 am
Extension Lab, Room 224
The main entrée will be provided.
Please bring a side dish or dessert of your choice.
$2 for faculty, staff, and students
$6 for non-employees

Please RSVP no later than Thursday, December 12th
to the main office.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

'Tis the Season to find your Internship!

Don't wait until the last minute!  Remember, the early bird gets the worm and now is the time to start thinking about your internship opportunities.  An internship can earn academic credit to be applied towards your degree, but that's just the beginning:

  • Enjoy exploring another state (or even country!)
  • Try out a job or field before you commit long-term
  • Meet new people and make valuable contacts in your industry
  • Reflect on what you've learned and what you want and need to learn before graduation

INTERN to learn!

 So, don't delay!  Make good use of the winter break to get your resume in shape, research internship opportunities, and start your applications.  Check out Aggies for Hire and Jobs in Horticulture for listings.

Special Graduate Seminar Info for Thurs, 12/5

Just a reminder that our last seminar is this Thursday (Dec. 5) at 4:00 pm in HFSB 104. The seminar will be presented by two PhD graduate students in the Horticulture Dept. – Dr. Ockert Greyvenstein and Ms. Amy (Xiaoya) Cai. They are putting their research results together to discuss abiotic stresses on garden roses.
Following the seminar, all seminar attendants (faculty, staff and students) are invited to a social at Dr. Starman’s home in Ockert and Amy’s honor. Pizza and drinks will be served. You do not need to bring anything unless you want something special to drink. Maps and directions will be available at the seminar.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Beautiful Biltmore Estate in NC seeking Interns! 
Internships are available to currently enrolled students at the wonderful Biltmore Estate in North Carolina.....Landscape Garden Intern and Rose Garden Intern  (closing date is 2/15/14)

Mercer Arboretum & Botanical Gardens Seeks INTERNS!!!

Special Events Intern
Garden Intern
March Mart Intern

Check out the new postings on Aggies for Hire or visit Mercer Arboretum & Botanical Gardens website for all the details!

Howdy Farm Internship Presentations, Tues 12/3 @11am in HFSB 203

Learn about what's happening at the Howdy Farm and about the important role interns play.  HFSB Conference Room from 11:00-11:30am Tuesday.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Have a sustainability idea? Apply by Nov. 24th!

The Aggie Green Fund Advisory Board invites all students, faculty and staff with a great sustainability idea to apply for funding. The deadline for submitting abstracts is midnight November 24. Details here.

Green Jobs, jobs, jobs

Make Aggies for Hire your first stop, but here are a couple of others to check out, too:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Study Abroad in France next Summer!! - Apply Now:
May 17 - June 14, 2014
Toulouse and Paris, France
France is the European leader in agriculture.  However, French agriculture is constantly facing new challenges and has undergone major changes.  France is known worldwide for the quality of its food and its specialty products and luxury beverages.  The objective of these courses is to teach Aggies about the French Food Production Systems, to learn how geography, politics, heritage and history play a role in shaping the future of French agriculture, and to contrast this with food productions systems in Texas and the world.  These courses will offer students a chance to experience French culture and way of life to enhance students’ views on international agriculture.  During the second part of the program, students will spend several days based in Paris, taking excursions to visit the gardens of a number of French châteaux.  Learn more here.
A total of 6 credit hours are offered for this program.  Students will enroll in the following courses:
  • ENTO/HORT 489: Special Topics in Food Production Systems in France
  • ENTO/HORT 489: Special Topics in French Agriculture and its Heritage
  • Minimum 2.0 GPA
  • Good academic standing
  • Expert lectures at ENSAT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse)
  • Visits with companies such as Veolia (water management) and Adisseo (biotechnology)
  • Excursions to the towns of Cordes, Carcassonne and Roquefort
  • Eight night stay in Paris
  • Visits to gardens at Vaux-le-Vicomte, Versailles and Giverny (the home of Monet)

Save the Date! 20th Anniversary VFIC Conference announced:

Worldfest this Friday & Saturday!
Click to explore:

Friday, November 1, 2013

Grad Student Poster Symposium - tentative titles due 11/5 and abstracts due 11/15

Horticulture Graduate Council
Molecular & Environmental Plant Sciences (MEPS) Program
Graduate Student Poster Symposium

November 20th 2013, 3:00 PM

Venue: Horticulture and Forest Science Building Atrium
Please email a tentative title by November 5th and your abstracts by November 15th to Paige Graves at (

Prizes will be given to First, Second and Third winners.
Note: Limit the poster size to 42'' × 36''

You can visit TAMU-Horticulture Graduate Council at

Urban Harvest in Houston seeks Director of Education:

Learn more on Aggies for Hire

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Professional Internship Presentation Nov. 1st:



Presented by

Madeline Frazier
Masters of Agriculture Candidate, Department of Horticultural Sciences,
Texas A&M University

Friday, November 1, 2013 at 11:00 a.m.
HFSB Room 203

Wed, 10/1 'Feeding the Planet' - AgriLife Center from 8:30am-4:00pm

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University invites you to attend the Feeding the Planet Global Summit  on Wednesday, Oct. 30th from 8:30am-4:00pm in the AgriLife Center on West Campus. . Classes and individuals are both welcome to attend and participate on a come and go basis and refreshments will be served. 

The summit, which focuses on food security, is hosted by George Washington University as part of the school's Planet Forward initiative. The summit will spotlight transformational and scalable developments in food policy, practices and technologies and will pay special attention to the related issues of gender, climate change, and urbanization. For more information, visit

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Attention Undergrads interested in Research:

2014 Summer Undergraduate Research STEM Program Experience
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), May 19th through July 15, 2014

About the Program:
The program provides research experience with a goal of increasing the number of graduate degrees awarded to underrepresented U.S. students. We hope that this experience will enhance your chances of gaining admission to graduate school and encourage you to consider an academic career at North Dakota State University.

• Receive a $4,000 stipend + 3 graduate credits (for students with junior or senior undergraduate status)
• Participating in weekly seminars as well as social, cultural and educational activities
• Tour facilities on and off campus
• Present research done in STEM fields with oral and poster presentations

Eligibility & How to Apply:
Underrepresented college students who are interested in gaining admission to graduate school are eligible for the STEM program. All information is to be sent to the address below, and must be received by March 15, 2014. Applicants will be notified by April 15, 2014. (All applicants must be U.S. citizens to qualify).
North Dakota State University
Office of Multicultural Programs
2014 Summer Undergraduate Research STEM Program Experience
NDSU Dept. 4630, PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Telephone:(701)231-1029 Fax:(701)231-7079