Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Have a sustainability idea? Apply by Nov. 24th!

The Aggie Green Fund Advisory Board invites all students, faculty and staff with a great sustainability idea to apply for funding. The deadline for submitting abstracts is midnight November 24. Details here.

Green Jobs, jobs, jobs

Make Aggies for Hire your first stop, but here are a couple of others to check out, too:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Study Abroad in France next Summer!! - Apply Now:
May 17 - June 14, 2014
Toulouse and Paris, France
France is the European leader in agriculture.  However, French agriculture is constantly facing new challenges and has undergone major changes.  France is known worldwide for the quality of its food and its specialty products and luxury beverages.  The objective of these courses is to teach Aggies about the French Food Production Systems, to learn how geography, politics, heritage and history play a role in shaping the future of French agriculture, and to contrast this with food productions systems in Texas and the world.  These courses will offer students a chance to experience French culture and way of life to enhance students’ views on international agriculture.  During the second part of the program, students will spend several days based in Paris, taking excursions to visit the gardens of a number of French châteaux.  Learn more here.
A total of 6 credit hours are offered for this program.  Students will enroll in the following courses:
  • ENTO/HORT 489: Special Topics in Food Production Systems in France
  • ENTO/HORT 489: Special Topics in French Agriculture and its Heritage
  • Minimum 2.0 GPA
  • Good academic standing
  • Expert lectures at ENSAT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse)
  • Visits with companies such as Veolia (water management) and Adisseo (biotechnology)
  • Excursions to the towns of Cordes, Carcassonne and Roquefort
  • Eight night stay in Paris
  • Visits to gardens at Vaux-le-Vicomte, Versailles and Giverny (the home of Monet)

Save the Date! 20th Anniversary VFIC Conference announced:

Worldfest this Friday & Saturday!
Click to explore:

Friday, November 1, 2013

Grad Student Poster Symposium - tentative titles due 11/5 and abstracts due 11/15

Horticulture Graduate Council
Molecular & Environmental Plant Sciences (MEPS) Program
Graduate Student Poster Symposium

November 20th 2013, 3:00 PM

Venue: Horticulture and Forest Science Building Atrium
Please email a tentative title by November 5th and your abstracts by November 15th to Paige Graves at (

Prizes will be given to First, Second and Third winners.
Note: Limit the poster size to 42'' × 36''

You can visit TAMU-Horticulture Graduate Council at

Urban Harvest in Houston seeks Director of Education:

Learn more on Aggies for Hire